Itanagar: Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu announced on Friday that the long-dormant Arunachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act, 1978, will soon be implemented with formal rules being framed. This announcement was made during the silver jubilee celebration of the Indigenous Faith and Cultural Society of Arunachal Pradesh (IFCSAP) held at IG Park.
Acknowledging the contributions of the state’s first Chief Minister, PK Thungon, Khandu highlighted that the legislation was initially passed in 1978 to prevent religious conversions through force, inducement, or fraudulent means. “While the Act has remained inactive for years, a directive from the Gauhati High Court now necessitates its activation through rule framing,” he said. The Chief Minister assured that the process is underway and will soon lead to the proper implementation of the Act.
Khandu emphasized the significance of preserving Arunachal’s indigenous faiths and cultures, describing “faith” and “culture” as inseparable entities. He cited global examples of vanishing tribes and stressed the urgency of safeguarding the state’s distinct traditions.
“Despite the rapid pace of modernity, Arunachal has successfully preserved its indigenous identity, passing it down through generations,” he remarked. Khandu credited IFCSAP pioneers and volunteers for their relentless efforts in preserving the state’s cultural heritage. “Their dedication has ensured that Arunachal’s identity stands proudly among its global peers,” he added.
Paying homage to cultural icons like Golgi Bote Talom Rukbo, Mokar Riba, Nabam Atum, and Dr. Tai Nyori, the Chief Minister underscored their contributions to fostering indigenous faith and culture.
He also highlighted the state government’s commitment to protecting indigenous traditions. Since the establishment of the Department of Indigenous Affairs in 2017, the government has collaborated with IFCSAP and community-based organizations to promote and preserve indigenous languages, institutions, and cultures.
Responding to requests from indigenous groups, Khandu revealed that steps have been initiated to rename the Department of Indigenous Affairs, aligning it more closely with its objectives.
The announcement marks a pivotal step in reinforcing Arunachal Pradesh’s commitment to its rich cultural heritage while addressing modern challenges to indigenous faith and traditions.