
Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma Announces Significant Progress in Curbing Illegal Practices

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Sunday, February 25, 2024
Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma Announces Significant Progress in Curbing Illegal Practices
Assam Government's Vigorous Efforts Yield Success in Tackling Illegal Money Lending
Guwahati, Assam- 25 February, 24: In a resolute stance against the pervasive menace of illegal money lending, Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma took to social media to announce the significant strides made by the Assam government in curbing this nefarious practice. The concerted efforts led by the state administration, particularly the Assam Police, have resulted in substantial breakthroughs since February 1, 2024.

According to Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma's update, a total of 141 individuals involved in illegal money lending activities have been apprehended by the Assam Police during this period. In addition to the arrests, law enforcement authorities have also succeeded in making substantial recoveries, including cash, jewellery, and pertinent documents related to illicit financial transactions.

The proactive measures undertaken by the government underscore its unwavering commitment to eradicating the social menace of illegal money lending, which often preys upon vulnerable individuals and perpetuates financial exploitation. By swiftly responding to instances of illegal lending and apprehending perpetrators, the Assam government aims to safeguard the interests of its citizens and uphold the rule of law.

Illegal money lending, commonly known as "loan sharks" or "usury," poses a grave threat to the economic well-being and social fabric of communities. Victims of such practices often find themselves trapped in a vicious cycle of debt, subject to exorbitant interest rates and coercive tactics employed by unscrupulous lenders. By cracking down on illegal money lending activities, the government seeks to protect vulnerable individuals and promote financial inclusivity and empowerment.

Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma's announcement reflects the government's resolve to tackle this pressing issue head-on and ensure justice for victims of illegal money lending. Through concerted law enforcement efforts and strategic interventions, the Assam government aims to create a conducive environment for economic growth and social development, free from the pernicious influence of illegal financial practices.

As the government continues its crackdown on illegal money lending, it calls upon citizens to remain vigilant and report any instances of suspicious financial activities to the authorities. By fostering collaboration between law enforcement agencies and the community, the Assam government seeks to root out this social evil and create a safer and more equitable society for all its citizens.

In conclusion, Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma's announcement serves as a testament to the government's proactive stance in combating illegal money lending and promoting financial integrity and security in Assam. Through sustained efforts and collective action, the state aims to build a future where every citizen can thrive and prosper without fear of financial exploitation.