
BJP Leader and Assam Deputy Speaker Dr. Numal Momin Speaks Out on Mizoram Polls

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Friday, November 03, 2023
BJP Leader and Assam Deputy Speaker Dr. Numal Momin Speaks Out on Mizoram Polls
Lack of Infrastructure and Essential Services in Mizoram Highlighted
Aizawl, Mizoram - November 3, 2023: Dr. Numal Momin, a prominent BJP leader and the Deputy Speaker of the Assam Assembly, has voiced his concerns on the upcoming Mizoram polls. In a statement, he emphasized the pressing issues faced by the people of Mizoram and their desire for development and change.

Dr. Momin's remarks shed light on the challenges Mizoram residents are grappling with, including the lack of infrastructure and essential services. He remarked, "There has been no development. No road connectivity, no health facilities, no good colleges, schools, and people are really facing a lot."

The BJP leader also touched on the issue of essential commodities, specifically highlighting the distribution of rice. He noted, "PM Modi, the Centre is giving free rice but here they charge Rs 15. So it is a very much pathetic scenario for the poor people."

Dr. Momin went on to stress that the people of Mizoram are enduring hardships and aspire to break free from what they perceive as a corrupted government. Their primary goal is to experience development and progress, and they express their support for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Dr. Momin declared, "They're suffering a lot, and they want to get rid of such a type of corrupted government, and they want development. They want PM Modi. So in Mizoram, we will definitely perform much better than the previous assembly election."

The forthcoming Mizoram polls are expected to be a critical turning point for the state's political landscape. Dr. Momin's statement highlights the pressing issues faced by the people of Mizoram and their desire for change and progress. The BJP aims to make significant strides in these elections, building on the aspirations of the local population for a better and more prosperous future.