
Karbi Anglong: Unconscious Girl Found Near Diphu River - Manja Incident Sparks Fears of Assault

Editor Editor
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Karbi Anglong: Unconscious Girl Found Near Diphu River - Manja Incident Sparks Fears of Assault
Communal Divide: Hindu-Muslim Tensions Erupt Amidst Ongoing Investigation
Manja, Assam - October 24, 2023: In a distressing incident that unfolded in Manja, Karbi Anglong, Assam, on the night of October 23rd, a minor girl was discovered unconscious and drenched in wet clothes on the bank of the Diphu River around 10 PM. The incident has sent shockwaves through the community, as the circumstances surrounding the event remain unclear. Authorities are investigating the case, which has sparked suspicion of a possible assault, while tensions in the region are on the rise.

Chilling details have emerged, suggesting a deeply disturbing turn of events. It is reported that the girl was given something to eat, after which she was taken to the Diphu River by a group of three to four boys. These revelations have intensified the concerns of the local population, who fear that the incident may indeed be a case of gang rape. However, it's important to note that no official confirmation has been provided as of yet.

The situation took a dramatic turn as girl's family pointed fingers at one of them, Monu Ali, who was revealed to be the girl's ex-boyfriend. The girl's family, upon finding her in such dire conditions, called Monu Ali from Hidim Teron Village as the prime suspect. In response to growing suspicions, they visited Monu Ali's home to confront him about the incident.

As tensions escalated, Monu Ali fled to the Manja police station, seeking refuge in the early morning.

In the evening when huge crowd has gathered. SI Shyamal Neog, addressing the crowd at the police station, assured the community, "We understand your concerns, and we are committed to ensuring that justice is served. Our investigation is in progress, and we will leave no stone unturned to uncover the truth."

The SI's words served to reassure the crowd, who had been deeply affected by the incident and the subsequent suspicions. Local authorities, led by Sub-Inspector Shyamal Neog, have intensified their efforts to uncover the truth behind this distressing incident.

Authorities took a significant step in the case by officially registering a First Information Report (FIR), marking a crucial phase in the ongoing investigation. While the FIR has been registered, the police are awaiting the girl to regain consciousness to provide her statement, a key piece of evidence that could shed light on the incident.

The girl's statement, once she regains consciousness, is expected to play a pivotal role in understanding the circumstances surrounding the incident. SI Shyamal Neog urged patience, stating, "We are eagerly awaiting the girl's recovery so that she can provide her statement. Her account will be instrumental in bringing clarity to this deeply concerning incident."

As the community awaits further updates on the case, it is evident that SI Shyamal Neog and local authorities are dedicated to maintaining peace and order in the region and ensuring that justice prevails. The commitment to taking strict action against any wrongdoers is a step towards restoring faith in the legal system and quelling communal tensions that have emerged in the wake of this incident.