
Assam Rifles and Nagaland Police Joint Operation Nabs Three Active NSCN (K-Nikki) Cadres

News Reporter News Reporter
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Assam Rifles and Nagaland Police Joint Operation Nabs Three Active NSCN (K-Nikki) Cadres
Security Forces Strike Blow to Insurgency: Seize Pistols, Ammunition, and Warlike Stores

Nagaland, September 30, 2023:
In a collaborative operation, the Assam Rifles, in coordination with the Nagaland Police, successfully apprehended three active members of the NSCN (K-Nikki) outfit in Nagaland on September 27, 2023. This significant development highlights the relentless efforts of security forces to maintain peace and security in the region.

Operation Details:
The operation, executed with precision, led to the apprehension of three individuals who were identified as active cadres of the NSCN (K-Nikki). The joint team also seized a cache of illicit weaponry and warlike stores during the operation.

Recovered Arsenal:
Among the items recovered were three pistols of 0.32 caliber, a significant amount of ammunition, and various warlike stores. These seizures not only mark a blow to the illicit activities of the insurgent group but also contribute to the overall safety and security of the area.

Collaborative Efforts:
The successful operation stands as a testament to the effective collaboration between the Assam Rifles and the Nagaland Police. Such joint efforts are vital in countering threats posed by extremist elements and ensuring the safety of the local population.

Commitment to Peace:
The apprehension of these NSCN (K-Nikki) cadres reiterates the commitment of security forces to maintaining peace and order in Nagaland. It sends a clear message that individuals involved in unlawful activities will face the consequences of their actions.

The security forces, including the Assam Rifles and Nagaland Police, continue to remain vigilant, determined, and dedicated to upholding the rule of law and ensuring the safety and well-being of the people in the region.