
Indian Army Condemns False Attempts to Taint Assam Rifles' Reputation in Manipur

Editor Editor
Wednesday, August 09, 2023
Indian Army Condemns False Attempts to Taint Assam Rifles' Reputation in Manipur
Indian Army's Spear Corps Denounces Fabricated Attempts to Tarnish Assam Rifles' Image
In a recent tweet posted by the official Twitter account of the Spear Corps, Indian Army, a firm stance has been taken against malicious efforts aimed at defaming the Central Security Forces, specifically the Assam Rifles. The tweet highlights the relentless efforts of these forces in saving lives and restoring peace in Manipur since May 3rd.

The tweet emphasizes that certain elements with ill intentions have repeatedly attempted, albeit unsuccessfully, to cast doubts on the role, intentions, and integrity of the Central Security Forces, particularly the Assam Rifles. These forces have been tirelessly working to ensure the safety of the citizens and to restore normalcy in Manipur amid complex challenges.

The tweet underscores the nuanced nature of the situation on the ground in Manipur, acknowledging that occasional differences may arise at the tactical level among various security forces. However, it is reassured that such misunderstandings are promptly addressed through a joint mechanism aimed at harmonizing efforts for the restoration of peace and normalcy.

The Indian Army and Assam Rifles jointly reassure the people of Manipur that they remain unwavering in their commitment to preventing any actions that could potentially escalate violence in the already sensitive atmosphere.

In a follow-up tweet, the Spear Corps shared a resounding message to all ranks deployed in Manipur: "Continue to Be Fair to All & Fear None." This statement encapsulates the core principles guiding the forces as they work diligently to restore peace and normalcy. It emphasizes the importance of treating all individuals equitably, regardless of differences, and encourages a fearless approach to their responsibilities.

As the situation continues to evolve, the Indian Army and Assam Rifles remain steadfast in their mission to uphold peace, security, and normalcy in Manipur, while debunking fabricated attempts to sow discord and mistrust. These principles, echoed in their recent tweets, embody the dedication and integrity of the Central Security Forces, particularly the Assam Rifles, in ensuring the well-being and security of Manipur's citizens.

The Spear Corps' tweets serve as a testament to the professionalism, courage, and commitment of the forces as they navigate the challenges of a complex environment, ultimately striving to create a stable and secure future for Manipur.