Jharkhand news

Young Girl Takes Her Own Life After Being Slapped by Teacher for Wearing Bindi in Jharkhand School

Correspondent Correspondent
Monday, August 28, 2023
Young Girl Takes Her Own Life After Being Slapped by Teacher for Wearing Bindi in Jharkhand School
Tragic Incident in Jharkhand: Teenage Student Takes Her Own Life After Alleged Harassment by Teacher.
In a shocking turn of events, a 17-year-old girl, studying in Class 10, ended her life on Monday in Dhanbad, Jharkhand. The incident occurred after she was purportedly slapped by a teacher for wearing a 'bindi' (a decorative dot worn on the forehead) at school. The local authorities have taken swift action, registering a case and apprehending both the teacher and the principal on Tuesday.

According to the police, the young girl, who attended Saint Xavier's School in Tetulmari, left for school as usual around 7:30 am but soon returned home. Distraught, she confided in her family, revealing that she had been slapped by the teacher during the morning prayers for wearing a bindi, which deeply upset her.

Tragically, the girl took her own life by hanging herself from a ceiling fan. Before doing so, she left behind a note in her uniform pocket, shedding light on her mental state.

Ashish Yadav, the in-charge of the Tetulmari police station, shared with The Indian Express, "The girl left a suicide note in which she allegedly held the teacher of the school responsible for the incident. We have registered an FIR based on the family member's complaint against the teacher and the principal and arrested both of them."

Despite attempts to reach out to the teachers at Saint Xavier's, they were not available for comment.

The suicide note, addressed to the Tetulmari police station, described how the girl was slapped in front of her peers and subsequently asked to leave the school premises. Overwhelmed by the humiliation, she expressed her inability to bear the insult any longer and expressed her intent to end her life. In the note, she explicitly named the teacher and the school principal as the individuals responsible for her decision, demanding action against them.

Heartbroken, the student's mother spoke to reporters about the devastating loss. She shared, "My daughter was on the verge of completing her education at this school in the next few months. My husband passed away a year ago, and my daughter and two sons were enrolled in the same institution."

Recounting the events, she added, "My daughter had initially worn a bindi, but upon seeing the teacher, she removed it. However, she was slapped twice in front of everyone. She approached the principal, seeking intervention, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. Eventually, she came to me, and we both visited the school. I personally requested the principal for forgiveness on behalf of my daughter. Unfortunately, our appeals were ignored. I consoled my daughter, and while at home, she began writing something on a piece of paper. She misled me by stating it was a school assignment, and within half an hour, she was gone."

This heartbreaking incident has sent shockwaves through the community, raising concerns about the well-being of students and the need for a safe and supportive educational environment. The local authorities are conducting a thorough investigation to ascertain the facts surrounding the tragedy, and it is hoped that justice will be served for the grieving family.

It is crucial for educational institutions and society as a whole to address instances of harassment, bullying, and mental health challenges among students. By fostering a culture of empathy, respect, and open communication, we can create an environment where young minds feel safe, valued, and supported, preventing such devastating incidents from occurring in the future.