New Delhi

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar Urges Implementation of Uniform Civil Code to Foster Equality and Social Harmony

Correspondent Correspondent
Saturday, July 08, 2023
New Delhi
Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar Urges Implementation of Uniform Civil Code to Foster Equality and Social Harmony
In a significant address on Tuesday,Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar reaffirmed the pressing need to introduce a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in line with the visionary ideals set forth by the founding fathers of the Constitution.

GUWAHATI,4 July 2023: In emphasizing the importance of this constitutional provision, he drew attention to Article 44, which explicitly outlines the state's responsibility to endeavor towards securing a UCC for all citizens.

Vice President Dhankhar's call for the implementation of a UCC resonates with the broader objective of fostering social harmony and promoting equality among diverse communities in India. The UCC, if realized, would establish a common set of laws governing personal matters, such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and adoption, across all religions, thus transcending the existing system that is characterized by distinct personal laws for different religious communities.

By advocating for a UCC,Vice President Dhankhar envisions a society where uniformity in civil laws transcends religious boundaries, fostering a sense of unity, fairness, and equality. This uniformity seeks to bridge the gap between various religious practices and traditions, promoting a cohesive social fabric that upholds the principles of justice and equal rights for all.

The Vice President's remarks come at a time when the discourse surrounding the implementation of a UCC has gained traction across the country. Advocates argue that a UCC would promote gender justice and eliminate gender-based discrimination prevalent in certain personal laws. Proponents also maintain that a UCC would streamline legal processes, reduce legal complexities, and promote national integration by ensuring equal treatment under the law.

However, it is worth noting that the implementation of a UCC is a complex and multifaceted process that necessitates careful consideration of the diverse cultural, religious, and social practices existing within the Indian society. The task at hand requires comprehensive deliberation, engaging stakeholders from various backgrounds and communities to ensure that the proposed code reflects the principles of inclusivity, respect for diversity, and protection of individual rights.

Vice President Dhankhar's advocacy for the UCC sparks a renewed dialogue on this contentious issue, encouraging policymakers, legal experts, and the general public to engage in constructive discussions to shape a uniform civil law system that is fair, just, and accommodating of India's pluralistic society. The President's call serves as a reminder of the vision that guided the drafting of the Constitution and the ongoing pursuit of a harmonious, equitable, and progressive nation.