
PM Narendra Modi Urges Global Workforce Skilling at G20 Labour Meeting

Correspondent Correspondent
Friday, July 21, 2023
PM Narendra Modi Urges Global Workforce Skilling at G20 Labour Meeting
PM Narendra Modi Advocates Workforce Skilling at G20 Labour and Employment Ministers' Meeting.
In a significant address at the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers' Meeting, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized the urgent need to equip the global workforce with advanced technologies and processes. He stressed the importance of skilling, re-skilling, and upskilling as crucial elements to shape the future workforce. During his speech, PM Modi highlighted India's ongoing Skill India Mission, a nation-wide campaign aimed at addressing the evolving needs of the job market.

The G20 Labour and Employment Ministers' Meeting, a crucial gathering of representatives from the world's major economies, took place to address the challenges posed by technological advancements and their impact on the job landscape. PM Modi highlighted the critical role of technology and how it is rapidly transforming industries, requiring a highly skilled and adaptable workforce.

"We all need to skill our workforce in the use of advanced technologies and processes. Skilling, re-skilling, and upskilling are the mantras for the future workforce. In India, our Skill India Mission is a campaign to connect with this reality," said PM Modi during his speech.

The Prime Minister's focus on skilling reflects the recognition of the changing job market dynamics and the need for continuous learning. As technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented rate, traditional job roles are being disrupted, and new ones are emerging. To address these shifts and foster economic growth, it is imperative for nations to prioritize the development of their workforce.

India's Skill India Mission, launched in 2015, is a flagship initiative that aims to provide comprehensive training and upskilling opportunities to the country's vast workforce. By leveraging digital platforms, the initiative aims to bridge the skill gap and align the workforce with the demands of a technology-driven economy.

The Skill India Mission targets a diverse range of sectors, including manufacturing, healthcare, information technology, and service industries. It offers various training programs, workshops, and certification courses to enhance employability and entrepreneurship skills.

Through the Skill India Mission, the Indian government envisions empowering its citizens, particularly the youth, to become more self-reliant and seize opportunities in the ever-changing job landscape. By promoting lifelong learning and encouraging the adoption of new technologies, India aspires to create a future-ready workforce that can contribute effectively to the nation's growth and global competitiveness.

PM Modi's call for skilling, re-skilling, and upskilling at the G20 meeting underlines the significance of collective efforts in preparing the global workforce for the challenges of tomorrow. As technology continues to revolutionize industries worldwide, investing in human capital development becomes an essential strategy for driving economic progress and ensuring prosperity for all.

The G20 Labour and Employment Ministers' Meeting witnessed PM Narendra Modi's assertive stance on the importance of skilling, re-skilling, and upskilling to empower the future workforce. His endorsement of India's Skill India Mission exemplifies the country's commitment to nurturing a skilled and adaptive workforce capable of thriving in the face of technological advancements. By embracing these mantras for the future, nations can collectively build a robust and resilient global workforce that is well-prepared to tackle the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.