New Delhi

India's Massive Drug Destruction Initiative in New Delhi: A Powerful Stand Against Narcotics

Correspondent Correspondent
Monday, July 17, 2023
New Delhi
India's Massive Drug Destruction Initiative in New Delhi: A Powerful Stand Against Narcotics
New Delhi to Witness Historic Drug Demolition: India's Zero-Tolerance Policy in Action.

New Delhi is gearing up for a significant event that will showcase India's strong commitment to combating the drug problem plaguing the nation. Over 1.4 lakh kilograms of illegal drugs, worth an estimated Rs 2,000 crore, are set to be destroyed on Monday. This monumental step is part of the government's unwavering "zero-tolerance" policy towards drugs and highlights its determination not only to fight drug smuggling but also to prevent India from becoming a hub for international drug trafficking.

Reliable sources in the Ministry of Home Affairs have disclosed that the seized drugs will be eliminated during an upcoming regional conference on "Drug Smuggling and National Security," chaired by Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Amit Shah. While the physical event will take place in New Delhi, Amit Shah will participate virtually.

To accomplish this task, the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) will collaborate with the Anti-Narcotics Task Forces (ANTF) from all states in a coordinated effort to dismantle 1,44,000 kilograms of seized drugs. These drugs, valued at a staggering Rs 2,416 crore, are located at various sites across the country.

Among the significant quantities earmarked for destruction are 6,590 kilograms seized by the NCB's Hyderabad unit, 822 kilograms by the Indore unit, and 356 kilograms by the Jammu unit. In addition, law enforcement agencies in different states will contribute to the effort by destroying a total of 1,44,122 kilograms of drugs. This includes 1,486 kilograms in Assam, 229 kilograms in Chandigarh, 25 kilograms in Goa, 4,277 kilograms in Gujarat, 2,458 kilograms in Haryana, 4,069 kilograms in Jammu and Kashmir, 1,03,884 kilograms in Madhya Pradesh, 159 kilograms in Maharashtra, 1,803 kilograms in Tripura, and 4,049 kilograms in Uttar Pradesh.

The central government has demonstrated its determination to create a drug-free India by adopting a firm "zero tolerance" stance against narcotics. Over the past year, from June 1, 2022, to July 15, 2023, the collective efforts of regional NCB units and ANTFs in states have resulted in the destruction of approximately 8,76,554 kilograms of drugs, with an estimated value of around Rs 9,580 crore. This surpasses the initial target by more than 11 times.

With the upcoming mass destruction of drugs on Monday, the total quantity of narcotics obliterated within a year will reach a remarkable 10 lakh kilograms, valued at approximately Rs 12,000 crore. This tremendous achievement stands as a testament to India's resolute determination to curb the drug epidemic and protect its citizens from the grasp of substance abuse.