Assam GUWAHATI news

Guwahati Central Jail Guards Suspended Amidst Shocking Drug Findings

Correspondent Correspondent
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Guwahati Central Jail Guards Suspended Amidst Shocking Drug Findings
Illegal Drugs Uncovered: Guwahati Central Jail Guards Face Suspension.
Guwahati, July 18, 2023: Startling events unfolded at Guwahati Central Jail as two guards, Raju Thakur and Tankeswar Das, faced suspension on Tuesday due to the discovery of illegal drugs in their possession. The contraband drugs were found during a routine check at the jail's entrance, raising concerns about the effectiveness of security measures at the facility known for its large inmate capacity.

To address this alarming situation, authorities have launched a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident. The primary objective is to determine how the drugs were smuggled into the jail and whether any other individuals might be involved.

During the investigation, Thakur and Das will be temporarily suspended from their duties. The authorities are committed to maintaining the jail's integrity and safeguarding the well-being of both staff and inmates. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of remaining vigilant and implementing stringent security protocols to prevent illegal substances from infiltrating correctional facilities.

The outcome of the investigation will dictate the appropriate actions that need to be taken to prevent similar occurrences in the future. The authorities are determined to ensure that such incidents do not happen again and are prepared to make necessary changes to improve the overall security measures at the Guwahati Central Jail.