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French President Emmanuel Macron Extends Special Greetings to India in Hindi Tweet

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Friday, July 14, 2023
French President Emmanuel Macron Extends Special Greetings to India in Hindi Tweet
President Macron Extends Warm Welcome on the Occasion of Bastille Day Parade
French President Emmanuel Macron took to social media to express his admiration for India, describing it as a colossal nation with a decisive role in shaping the future and a strategic partner and friend. His tweet, written in Hindi, conveyed his delight in welcoming India as an honored guest for this year's July 14 parade, commonly known as Bastille Day, in France.

President Macron's tweet in Hindi, "विश्व इतिहास में एक विशालकाय, भविष्य के लिए निर्णायक भूमिका निभाने वाला देश, रणनीतिक साझेदार, मित्र। इस साल की 14 जुलाई की परेड के लिए भारत को सम्मानित अतिथि के रूप में स्वागत करते हुए हमें बहुत खुशी हो रही है।" translates to "A colossal nation playing a decisive role in world history, a strategic partner, a friend. We are delighted to welcome India as an honored guest for this year's July 14 parade. "

President Macron's tweet reflects the strong bond and mutual respect between India and France. It highlights India's significance on the global stage and recognizes its growing influence in shaping the future. The President's warm welcome to India as an honored guest for the Bastille Day parade underscores the deepening ties between the two nations.

The July 14 parade, celebrated annually in France, commemorates the French Revolution and represents the values of liberty, equality, and fraternity. The inclusion of India as a distinguished guest reflects the recognition of India's contributions and its growing role as a key global player.

India and France share a strong diplomatic relationship, collaborating on various strategic and economic fronts. The partnership extends to areas such as defense, space, trade, and cultural exchanges, fostering mutual growth and cooperation.

President Macron's welcoming message resonates with the people of India and emphasizes the friendship and alliance between the two nations. It acknowledges India's contributions to global affairs and affirms the shared values of democracy, progress, and peace.

As India participates in the Bastille Day parade, it further solidifies the country's growing prominence on the international stage. The invitation symbolizes the deepening ties between India and France and serves as a testament to the recognition of India's achievements and its potential for future collaborations.

The warm reception extended by President Macron reflects the strong partnership and friendship between India and France. It signifies the mutual respect and admiration between the two nations and sets the stage for further cooperation in various domains, reinforcing the foundation for a prosperous and collaborative future.

As India takes part in the prestigious Bastille Day parade, the occasion not only celebrates the spirit of friendship and unity but also highlights the enduring bond between India and France. It is an opportunity to showcase India's rich cultural heritage, diversity, and achievements to the world, strengthening the bilateral relationship and fostering greater understanding between the two nations.