Assam Delhi

Delhi CM Blames Neighboring States for Floods, Assam CM Responds with Resilience

Editor Editor
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Delhi CM Blames Neighboring States for Floods, Assam CM Responds with Resilience
A tale of contrasting responses to natural calamities

Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal's recent remarks blaming neighboring states for the flood situation in Delhi have drawn contrasting reactions, with Assam CM emphasizing resilience in the face of adversity.

In a series of tweets, CM Kejriwal pointed fingers at states like Haryana, attributing the floods in Delhi to the excessive water flow from these regions. However, his statements have sparked a debate on accountability and the need for a unified approach in dealing with such natural disasters.

In response, CM of Assam, known for its own battle against annual floods, took to Twitter to express a different perspective. He highlighted the challenges faced by Assam, including the influx of water from Bhutan, Arunachal Pradesh, and even China. Despite the hardships endured, the focus remained on resilience and not blaming others for the natural phenomenon.

Assam CM's tweet underscored the understanding that nature does not recognize geographical boundaries and that it is essential to tackle the challenges collectively rather than indulging in blame games.

The contrasting responses from the two chief ministers shed light on the different approaches taken by states in dealing with natural calamities. While one chose to point fingers at others, the other emphasized the importance of unity and resilience.

Floods are a recurring problem in many regions across India, and it calls for a comprehensive and collaborative approach to mitigate the impact and provide relief to affected communities. Cooperation and coordination between states become crucial during such times to effectively manage the water flow and minimize the damage caused by floods.

As the debate continues, it serves as a reminder that addressing the challenges posed by natural disasters requires a unified effort, where states work together to find sustainable solutions and support affected communities.

While the blame game may provide temporary relief for some, it is through cooperation, resilience, and proactive measures that the nation can effectively combat the recurring issue of floods and ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens.