Manas national park news

Conservationists Unite to Save Manas National Park from Wildlife Slaughter

Correspondent Correspondent
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Manas national park
Conservationists Unite to Save Manas National Park from Wildlife Slaughter
Conservationists Rally Against Wildlife Slaughter at Manas National Park.
In a powerful display of solidarity, a collective of animal conservationists and various organizations came together to stage a protest in Baksa, Assam, voicing their deep concern over the alarming rise in the wanton killing of wild animals within the Manas National Park.

Manas National Park, known for its rich biodiversity and status as a UNESCO World Heritage site, has recently witnessed a distressing surge in illegal activities targeting its precious wildlife. Poaching, hunting, and the unlawful trade of animal parts have not only posed a significant threat to the park's delicate ecosystem but have also pushed several species to the brink of extinction.

The protest, organized by passionate animal advocates, aimed to shed light on the severity of the situation and urge immediate action from the authorities. Conservationists from all walks of life, along with concerned citizens, gathered in Baksa to demand stricter enforcement of wildlife protection laws and the implementation of more robust measures to safeguard the park's inhabitants.

Speaking at the event, Dr. Ananya Sharma, a renowned wildlife biologist and spokesperson for the group, emphasized the urgent need for collective efforts to combat this rampant wildlife slaughter. She highlighted the devastating impact that such illegal activities have on the delicate balance of nature and the long-term consequences for future generations.

"The indiscriminate killing of wildlife not only threatens the survival of various species but also disrupts the intricate web of life in Manas National Park," Dr. Sharma expressed. "It is our responsibility to preserve and protect the invaluable natural heritage we have been entrusted with."

Participants in the protest carried banners and placards bearing powerful slogans, demanding justice for the voiceless victims and urging the authorities to take decisive action against the perpetrators. They emphasized the importance of collaborative initiatives between governmental bodies, local communities, and wildlife organizations to effectively address the menace of wildlife crime.

The rampant killing of wild animals for their hides, tusks, horns, and other body parts has driven many species towards the brink of extinction. Iconic creatures such as the Bengal tiger, Indian rhinoceros, and the endangered pygmy hog are among those facing grave threats in the face of this illegal trade.

The Manas National Park, a sanctuary for over 60 species of mammals and nearly 500 species of birds, has long been a safe haven for diverse wildlife. However, the recent escalation in poaching incidents has raised concerns about the future survival of these magnificent creatures and the ecological balance they contribute to.

While the protest served as a platform to raise awareness and urge immediate action, it also highlighted the need for public involvement and support in wildlife conservation efforts. Every individual has a role to play in safeguarding our natural heritage, whether by reporting suspicious activities, supporting local communities, or advocating for stronger legal protection.

As the protest concluded, the conservationists and concerned citizens vowed to continue their fight for the protection of Manas National Park's wildlife. They expressed hope that their collective efforts would resonate with the government and inspire effective measures to combat the rampant killing of wild animals. The pressing need for sustained conservation initiatives, community engagement, and stricter enforcement of wildlife laws cannot be overlooked if we are to secure a future where wildlife thrives in harmony with humans.

The protest in Baksa served as a resounding call for action against the rampant killing of wild animals at Manas National Park. The collective efforts of passionate conservationists and concerned citizens aimed to awaken society to the urgent need for wildlife protection. It is crucial that immediate steps are taken to combat poaching, hunting, and the illegal wildlife trade to preserve the invaluable natural heritage of this UNESCO World Heritage site and ensure a future where both humans and wildlife can coexist in harmony.