Assam GOLAGHAT news

Breaking News: Police Officer Injured in Clash with Suspected Drug Smugglers in Raidongia

Correspondent Correspondent
Saturday, July 08, 2023
Breaking News: Police Officer Injured in Clash with Suspected Drug Smugglers in Raidongia
Violent Clash Erupts in Raidongia as Police Raid Suspected Drug Smuggler.

ASSAM,GOLAGHAT, 8 July 2023: Raidongia, a town located in the Golaghat district, witnessed a tumultuous incident on Friday night when a police raid team came under attack by a group of suspected drug smugglers. Led by police officer Chayanika Borkotoky, the team conducted a search operation targeting a suspected marijuana smuggler. The raid, carried out at the residence of Pratap Saikia based on reliable information, quickly escalated into a tense situation as Saikia and his wife vehemently objected to the presence of the police. The situation took a violent turn when they launched a physical assault on the raid team, inflicting severe injuries on Officer Borkotoky. In response to the attack, the police detained Pratap Saikia and an individual named Upen Saikia due to their alleged involvement in the incident.

The police operation, aimed at apprehending a suspected marijuana smuggler, took an unexpected turn in Raidongia, causing a serious confrontation between the raid team and the residents of Pratap Saikia's house. Acting on reliable information, Officer Chayanika Borkotoky and her team swiftly moved to raid the premises. However, upon their arrival, they were met with strong resistance from Saikia and his wife, who fiercely objected to the presence of the police and the search operation being conducted.

What began as a routine police procedure rapidly escalated into a heated and violent clash. The atmosphere became charged with tension as the confrontation intensified. Saikia and his wife, refusing to back down, launched a physical attack on the raid team using sticks, an axe, and other dangerous weapons. This unexpected assault left Officer Borkotoky and several other team members with significant injuries, highlighting the severity of the clash.

In the aftermath of the violent clash, the police swiftly took control of the situation and detained Pratap Saikia along with Upen Saikia. Both individuals were apprehended based on their alleged involvement in the attack on the raid team. The police are conducting a thorough investigation to ascertain the complete details of the incident and to determine the extent of their involvement in drug smuggling activities.

The raid conducted by Officer Chayanika Borkotoky and her team in Raidongia, Golaghat district, took a dangerous turn when a suspected drug smuggler and his wife vehemently objected to the operation. The confrontation escalated into a violent clash, with the raid team sustaining significant injuries as a result of the attack. The police promptly detained Pratap Saikia and Upen Saikia due to their alleged involvement in the assault on the raid team. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the risks and challenges faced by law enforcement officers in their efforts to combat drug smuggling and maintain public safety. The police are committed to conducting a thorough investigation to bring the perpetrators to justice and ensure the safety of the community.