Nagaland North-east

BJP LEADER Temjen Imna Along Promotes Natural Beauty of Kigwema, Nagaland, in a Humorous Tweet

Editor Editor
Monday, August 28, 2023
BJP LEADER Temjen Imna Along Promotes Natural Beauty of Kigwema, Nagaland, in a Humorous Tweet
Minister Temjen Imna Along shares light-hearted tweet on stolen flower pots for G-20 Summit
NAGALAND: Tourism & Higher Education Minister and State President of BJP Nagaland, Temjen Imna Along, recently took to Twitter in a humorous manner, commenting on the alleged theft of flower pots used for the G-20 Summit. His tweet read, "The accused who stole the flower pots for the G-20 Summit has been arrested. Remember?"

But leaving that aside, let's take a moment to appreciate the natural beauty of Kigwema, Nagaland, where blooming flowers bring joy without any theft involved.

Temjen Imna Along's lighthearted tweet provided a moment of amusement while also promoting the enchanting charm of nature. Kigwema, located in Nagaland, is known for its pristine beauty and the captivating sight of flowers blooming in their natural habitat.

The tweet encouraged everyone to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of daily life and embrace the serenity found in nature's embrace. It invited people to witness the mesmerizing beauty of flowers without any need for theft.

Nagaland, nestled in the northeastern part of India, boasts a rich biodiversity and is home to numerous picturesque locations. Kigwema, with its lush greenery and vibrant flowers, stands out as a perfect example of the region's natural splendor.

Temjen Imna Along's light-hearted approach in showcasing the beauty of Kigwema serves as a reminder of the importance of appreciating and preserving the environment. His tweet not only spread joy but also encouraged people to seek solace in nature's creations.

So, let's follow Temjen Imna Along's lead and take a moment to immerse ourselves in the stunning beauty of Kigwema, Nagaland, where the allure of nature shines without any need for theft or wrongdoing.