
Assam's Fight Against Corruption: CEO's Office Bribery Sting Operation Exposes ADPM

Correspondent Correspondent
Friday, July 21, 2023
Assam's Fight Against Corruption: CEO's Office Bribery Sting Operation Exposes ADPM
Government Official Caught in Bribery Scandal - Corruption Unearthed in Dhubri District.
In a recent development that has sent shockwaves through the state, Mr. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, an Assistant Director of Project Management (ADPM) at the Zila Parishad in Dhubri, Assam, was caught red-handed by the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DIR_VAC_ASSAM) today. The official was apprehended in his office chamber after allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs. 30,000 on the instructions of the CEO, causing outrage among citizens and authorities alike.

The DIR_VAC_ASSAM, which plays a crucial role in combating corruption and maintaining transparency in the government sector, conducted a sting operation following a tip-off regarding illicit activities within the Zila Parishad. The operation successfully exposed Mr. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar's involvement in corrupt practices.

According to reliable sources, the bribe was solicited as a "grease payment" for releasing pending payments related to various projects. These projects, aimed at benefitting the local community, had been delayed for unspecified reasons. Unfortunately, this delay left many contractors and beneficiaries struggling to receive their rightful dues, prompting some individuals to resort to unlawful means.

Citizens of Dhubri have expressed their disappointment and anger over the incident, as it undermines the public's trust in government officials and the system itself. Bribery and corruption not only hamper progress but also hinder the growth and development of a region that is in dire need of upliftment.

Chief Minister's office (CMOfficeAssam) has taken a strong stand against corruption and has reaffirmed its commitment to uprooting this malpractice from the state's governance. The apprehension of Mr. Sarkar marks a significant step in this ongoing battle against corruption.

The Chief Minister's office has urged citizens to come forward and report any corrupt practices they encounter in government offices or any other sectors. Whistleblower protection measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of those who bravely expose corruption.

Efforts are also underway to streamline administrative processes and introduce technological interventions to minimize human interference, thereby reducing opportunities for corruption. Transparency and accountability will be prioritized to promote a corruption-free ecosystem within government departments.

As this case unfolds, the DIR_VAC_ASSAM and other concerned authorities will conduct a thorough investigation to ensure that all individuals involved in the bribery scandal are brought to justice. Punitive action will be taken as per the law, and steps will be taken to recover any ill-gotten gains.

The government remains committed to providing a fair and just society for all citizens of Assam. Instances like this serve as a stark reminder that everyone has a role to play in eliminating corruption from our society.

The recent capture of Mr. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar in a bribery scandal has once again highlighted the importance of upholding integrity and honesty in public service. The government's continued efforts to combat corruption will hopefully restore faith in the system and pave the way for a brighter, more equitable future for Dhubri and the entire state of Assam.