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ASEAN-India Partnership Takes Center Stage: Ministers Discuss Digital, Fintech, Food Security, and Maritime Cooperation

Correspondent Correspondent
Thursday, July 13, 2023
ASEAN-India Partnership Takes Center Stage: Ministers Discuss Digital, Fintech, Food Security, and Maritime Cooperation
ASEAN-India Foreign Ministers Meeting Highlights Focus on Partnership and Regional Issues.
Date: 13 July 2023
In a recent meeting, the External Affairs Minister of India, along with co-chair Vivian Bala, had a fruitful and friendly discussion with their ASEAN counterparts. The meeting focused on strengthening the partnership between ASEAN and India, covering a range of important areas. Prominent among the topics discussed were digital cooperation, fintech advancements, food security, and maritime affairs. Additionally, the ministers exchanged views on the prevailing situation in Myanmar.

During the meeting, the ASEAN-India partnership was acknowledged as a comprehensive strategic collaboration, aimed at enhancing mutual growth and regional stability. The discussions highlighted the progress made in implementing various initiatives under this partnership, affirming the commitment of both sides to strengthen ties across diverse sectors.

One of the key areas of interest in the meeting was the digital domain. Recognizing the significant role of technology in today's world, the ministers emphasized the need for greater cooperation in digital innovation, digital connectivity, and the promotion of a secure digital environment. Both ASEAN and India expressed their intent to explore joint projects and knowledge-sharing platforms to harness the potential of the digital economy.

Fintech emerged as another important aspect of the discussion. The ministers acknowledged the increasing role of financial technology in driving economic growth and financial inclusion. They deliberated on ways to promote collaboration in fintech development, such as sharing best practices, facilitating regulatory frameworks, and fostering innovation through joint research and development projects.

Food security was also a significant point of discussion. Recognizing the importance of a robust and sustainable agricultural sector, the ministers explored avenues for closer cooperation in agricultural research, technology transfer, and capacity-building programs. The aim is to strengthen food security in the region and promote resilient agricultural practices.

Maritime affairs featured prominently in the meeting as well. The ministers discussed the shared interest in maintaining peace, stability, and freedom of navigation in the Indo-Pacific region. They emphasized the importance of adhering to international laws and norms, promoting maritime security cooperation, and addressing common challenges such as piracy, illegal fishing, and marine pollution.

The meeting also provided an opportunity for the ministers to exchange views on the evolving situation in Myanmar. Recognizing the need for regional stability and peace, they reiterated their commitment to a peaceful resolution, respect for democratic principles, and the well-being of the people of Myanmar.

The ASEAN-India Foreign Ministers meeting concluded on a positive note, with the reaffirmation of the commitment to strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership. The discussions emphasized the importance of deepening cooperation in digital innovation, fintech, food security, and maritime affairs. Furthermore, the exchange of views on Myanmar demonstrated the shared commitment of both ASEAN and India to support stability and democracy in the region.

Overall, the meeting served as a platform to foster greater collaboration, deepen understanding, and reinforce the bonds between ASEAN and India, contributing to the shared goal of promoting regional peace, stability, and prosperity.