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AAP MP Raghav Chadha Urges Suspension of Legislative Business After No-Confidence Motion Acceptance

Correspondent Correspondent
Friday, July 28, 2023
AAP MP Raghav Chadha Urges Suspension of Legislative Business After No-Confidence Motion Acceptance
AAP MP Raghav Chadha Raises Concerns Over Legislative Proceedings and Stands in Solidarity with Manipur.
In a recent statement, AAP MP Raghav Chadha has expressed his apprehensions regarding the introduction of bills in Parliament following the acceptance of a no-confidence motion by the Lok Sabha Speaker. He urged the Speaker to suspend all legislative business in the Lok Sabha at present. The MP's concern stems from the observation that despite a no-confidence motion being accepted, multiple bills are still being introduced and passed in the Parliament.

Mr. Chadha emphasizes the significance of upholding parliamentary procedures and maintaining the integrity of the no-confidence motion. According to parliamentary tradition, once a no-confidence motion is accepted, it signals a lack of majority support for the current government. In such a scenario, legislative business is usually halted to allow for deliberations on the motion and to assess the government's stability.

The AAP MP's appeal to the Speaker aims to ensure that the accepted no-confidence motion is given the attention it deserves without any interference from other legislative matters. He stresses that adhering to this norm is vital to uphold the democratic principles and to grant Members of Parliament the necessary time for constructive debates and discussions related to the no-confidence motion.

In a separate development, a delegation from the I.N.D.I.A bloc is set to visit Manipur to extend support and stand in solidarity with the people of the region. The visit comes in the wake of the Manipur viral video case, which has garnered significant attention over the past 85 days. The I.N.D.I.A bloc's decision to visit Manipur aims to offer solidarity and reassurance to the affected communities.

Mr. Chadha points out that the decision to hand over the Manipur viral video case to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) after 85 days appears to be "too little, too late." Timely intervention and swift action in such cases are crucial to ensure justice for those involved. The delay in transferring the case to the CBI may have raised concerns among the public regarding the handling of the investigation.

AAP MP Raghav Chadha's call for suspending legislative business in the Lok Sabha after the acceptance of a no-confidence motion underscores the importance of parliamentary norms and democratic principles. Additionally, the visit of the I.N.D.I.A bloc to Manipur demonstrates solidarity and support for the local population affected by the viral video case. Timely and decisive actions in such cases are essential to instill confidence in the justice system and provide closure to those impacted.