news North-east

Nalbari Will Get City Bus Service: Minister Jayanta Mallabaruah Takes Initiative

Editor Editor
Monday, June 12, 2023
Nalbari Will Get City Bus Service: Minister Jayanta Mallabaruah Takes Initiative
Minister Jayanta Mallabaruah Initiates Plans for City Bus Service in Nalbari District

Nalbari:  In a major development for the transportation infrastructure of Nalbari district, Minister Jayanta Mallabaruah has taken the initiative to introduce a city bus service. Recognizing the pressing need for efficient public transportation in the region, Mallabaruah convened a crucial meeting at his Janata Bhawan Office with officials from the Assam State Transport Corporation (ASTC) to discuss the feasibility and implementation of the proposed project.

Minister Mallabaruah has demonstrated a strong commitment to addressing the transportation challenges faced by the people of Nalbari. With the goal of improving mobility and connectivity, he has set his sights on establishing a well-organized city bus service that will cater to the needs of the local population.

The meeting, held on 12 Jun 2023 , served as a platform for fruitful discussions between Minister Mallabaruah and ASTC officials. Various aspects of the city bus service, such as route planning, fleet management, ticketing systems, and infrastructure requirements, were thoroughly deliberated. The primary objective was to devise a comprehensive plan that would ensure seamless connectivity within Nalbari, with a focus on providing convenient and hassle-free transportation options for residents.

By introducing a reliable and affordable city bus service, Minister Mallabaruah aims to address the existing transportation challenges and facilitate better access to essential services, including educational institutions, healthcare facilities, markets, and employment centers. The initiative also seeks to alleviate traffic congestion and reduce carbon emissions by encouraging the use of public transportation and reducing dependence on private vehicles.

As a proactive minister known for his dedication to community development, Mallabaruah has been instrumental in driving several initiatives aimed at improving the lives of Nalbari's residents. The proposed city bus service aligns with his vision of creating a sustainable and inclusive district, where all individuals have equal opportunities for growth and prosperity.

While specific details regarding the implementation timeline and operational aspects are yet to be finalized, Minister Mallabaruah, along with ASTC officials, has expressed a strong commitment to expedite the process. The next steps will involve engaging with local authorities, transportation experts, and other stakeholders to ensure a well-coordinated and efficient rollout of the city bus service.

The anticipation among the residents of Nalbari is palpable as they eagerly await the positive changes that the city bus service will bring. Improved accessibility, reduced commuting costs, and enhanced connectivity are expected to have a transformative impact on the district, ultimately improving the overall quality of life for its inhabitants.

With Minister Jayanta Mallabaruah at the helm, Nalbari is poised for a transportation revolution that will redefine mobility in the district. As plans progress, the collaborative efforts between Mallabaruah, ASTC officials, and other stakeholders hold the promise of a future where reliable and efficient public transportation is a reality for all residents of Nalbari.