
HCM Dr. Himanta Biswa Prioritizes Revenue Growth through Promotion of Traditional Drinks

Editor Editor
Monday, June 12, 2023
HCM Dr. Himanta Biswa Prioritizes Revenue Growth through Promotion of Traditional Drinks
HCM Dr. Himanta Biswa Directs Excise Department to Combat Illicit Liquor Trade and Promote Traditional Drinks

Guwahati: In a recent meeting with officials from the Excise Department, the Honorable Chief Minister (HCM) Dr. Himanta Biswa reiterated his commitment to addressing the illicit liquor trade originating from other states. Recognizing the detrimental impact of such activities on public health and revenue, Dr. Biswa directed the officials to take immediate measures to curb this illegal trade.

During the meeting, held at the state's administrative headquarters, the HCM emphasized the importance of tackling the smuggling and sale of illicit liquor, which poses a significant threat to society. Dr. Biswa urged the officials to work closely with law enforcement agencies to identify and apprehend those involved in the illegal liquor trade. The Chief Minister stressed the need for enhanced surveillance, intelligence gathering, and the deployment of additional resources to effectively combat this illicit activity.

In addition to combating the illicit liquor trade, Dr. Biswa instructed the Excise Department officials to explore innovative ways to promote traditional drinks and seek new avenues for revenue growth. Recognizing the rich cultural heritage of the state and its traditional beverages, the Chief Minister expressed his desire to commercialize these drinks, thereby creating opportunities for local entrepreneurs and generating revenue.

The Chief Minister highlighted the potential economic benefits of promoting traditional drinks, emphasizing that their commercialization could not only contribute to the state's revenue growth but also boost tourism and preserve cultural traditions. Dr. Biswa encouraged the officials to collaborate with local producers and businesses to develop strategies for marketing and popularizing traditional drinks within and outside the state.

The Excise Department officials have been tasked with conducting feasibility studies, identifying potential markets, and formulating policies and regulations to support the commercialization of traditional drinks. Dr. Biswa emphasized the need for comprehensive planning, taking into consideration quality control, branding, packaging, and distribution aspects to ensure the success of these initiatives.

Furthermore, the Chief Minister assured the officials of the state government's full support in implementing these measures. Dr. Biswa emphasized that creating an enabling environment for the growth of traditional drinks and curbing the illicit liquor trade were top priorities for his administration.

In conclusion, the meeting between HCM Dr. Himanta Biswa and the Excise Department officials highlighted the government's determination to combat the illicit liquor trade originating from other states. The Chief Minister's directives to restrict illegal activities and promote traditional drinks underscore his commitment to safeguarding public health and boosting the state's revenue. By embracing the potential of traditional beverages, the government aims to stimulate economic growth, preserve cultural heritage, and enhance the overall well-being of the state and its residents.