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Assam Minister Nandita Gorlosa: Government Not Responsible for Electricity Price Hike, Puts Blame on Regulatory Commission

Editor Editor
Thursday, June 08, 2023
Assam Minister Nandita Gorlosa: Government Not Responsible for Electricity Price Hike, Puts Blame on Regulatory Commission
Assam Government Clarifies Stand on Electricity Price Hike
In Short: Assam's Cabinet Minister, Nandita Gorlosa, clarified that the state government is not responsible for the recent hike in electricity prices. She stated that decisions regarding electricity rates are made by the Assam Electricity Regulatory Commission (AERC). The minister emphasized that rising temperatures and technical difficulties have led to power issues and load shedding. Gorlosa assured the public that the government does not decide on electricity price hikes, and the regulatory commission determines whether bills are reduced or increased.
GUWAHATI: Assam's Cabinet Minister, Nandita Gorlosa, has addressed concerns about the recent increase in electricity prices, asserting that the state government is not responsible for the rise in per unit rates. She clarified that decisions regarding electricity prices are made by the Assam Electricity Regulatory Commission (AERC).

In a press conference, Gorlosa acknowledged the power supply challenges faced by several areas, attributing them to rising temperatures and resulting technical difficulties. Due to power shortages, load shedding has become necessary in some regions. However, she emphasized that the rise in electricity bills is not a direct consequence of government actions.

Gorlosa explained, "Electricity bills are not rising. The inadvertent increase in electricity prices is primarily due to the rise in petrol prices." She further elaborated that the government does not have the authority to decide on electricity price hikes, as this responsibility lies with the electricity regulatory commission.

Regarding concerns about reducing or increasing electricity bills, Gorlosa reassured the public that the regulatory commission is responsible for determining these matters. They possess the necessary information and expertise to evaluate the situation and make informed decisions.

It should be noted that last year, the Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL) announced the implementation of a Fuel and Power Purchase Price Adjustment (FPPPA) charge of 79 paise per unit on all categories of consumers for the months of November, December 2022, and January 2023.

Recently, APDCL decided to further increase the monthly tariffs for electricity consumption, causing distress among consumers in the state. Reports indicate that the tariffs have been raised by 30 paise to 70 paise per unit of electricity consumed. The subsidized Jeevan Dhara scheme will witness a 30 paise hike per unit, while other consumers will face a 70 paise increase.

The government's clarification on the matter aims to address the public's concerns and provide transparency regarding the decision-making process surrounding electricity prices.