Assam news North-east

Assam Government Fights Stigma and Promotes Prevention on International Day Against Drug Abuse

Editor Editor
Monday, June 26, 2023
Assam Government Fights Stigma and Promotes Prevention on International Day Against Drug Abuse
Government of Assam Raises Awareness on International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
GUWAHATI,June 26, 2023: 

In an effort to combat the detrimental effects of drug abuse and illicit trafficking, the Government of Assam is taking proactive measures to raise awareness on the occasion of the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Recognizing the importance of putting people first, the government aims to eliminate stigma and discrimination surrounding addiction while strengthening prevention strategies.

The government highlights that common substances of abuse include tobacco, alcohol, cannabis (ganja), and other addictive drugs. To overcome addiction, individuals are encouraged to say no to these substances and take charge of their lives. Recognizing the symptoms of addiction is crucial in identifying the need for intervention. Signs such as overly submissive or aggressive behavior, stealing, being furtive, and the inability to maintain a regular schedule or complete school work on time may indicate a problem. Withdrawal from friends and family is another potential red flag.

The government emphasizes the importance of confidently saying no to peer pressure, as it can play a significant role in preventing substance abuse. Additionally, individuals are urged to reach out to their family or close friends to discuss their views and seek support. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and engaging in physical activities, sports, or yoga can also contribute to a stress-free life, reducing the likelihood of turning to drugs as a coping mechanism.

Prevention is key, and the government advises individuals not to give in to pressure. Finding alternative ways to cope with life's ups and downs is essential to avoid the temptation of drugs. It is also crucial to avoid stress and loneliness, as these factors can make individuals more vulnerable to substance abuse.

In case of any health assistance related to drug abuse or addiction, individuals are urged to call 104. For emergencies requiring immediate medical attention, the government provides a dedicated ambulance service through the number 108.

Treating addiction involves a comprehensive approach. The management of addiction includes identification, motivation, and counseling. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, practicing yoga, and engaging in meditation are recommended to avoid stress and support the recovery process.

For those in need of assistance, the government encourages visiting the nearest Adolescent Friendly Health Clinic or Ayushman Bharat Health & Wellness Centre. These facilities are equipped to provide support and guidance to individuals struggling with drug abuse or addiction.

By actively promoting awareness and providing resources, the Government of Assam aims to create a society where the adverse effects of drug abuse and illicit trafficking are minimized, and individuals can lead healthy and productive lives.