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Assam Government Empowers Autonomous Councils with Authority to Recruit Retired Engineers for Technical Roles

Editor Editor
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Assam Government Empowers Autonomous Councils with Authority to Recruit Retired Engineers for Technical Roles
Assam Government Cabinet Approves Empowering Autonomous Councils to Recruit Retired Engineers for Technical Services

GUWAHATI: In a significant move aimed at bolstering technical expertise within the state, the Assam Government Cabinet has approved a proposal to empower various Autonomous Councils of Assam to recruit retired engineers for technical services. This decision, which seeks to tap into the vast experience of retired professionals, is expected to contribute to the overall development and progress of the state.

Under the newly approved measure, the Autonomous Councils will have the authority to hire retired engineers for technical positions within their respective jurisdictions. The move is aimed at addressing the shortage of technical personnel and utilizing the wealth of knowledge and experience possessed by retired engineers. By involving these seasoned professionals, the state government aims to enhance the efficiency and quality of technical services offered by the Autonomous Councils.

However, it is important to note that the Councils will be responsible for paying the remuneration to the retired engineers from their own revenue sources. This decision ensures that the financial burden of hiring these professionals does not fall on the state exchequer and encourages the Councils to efficiently manage their resources.

Speaking about the decision, a spokesperson from the Assam Government highlighted the importance of empowering the Autonomous Councils to recruit retired engineers. The spokesperson stated, "Retired engineers possess a wealth of technical knowledge and experience. By involving them in the functioning of the Autonomous Councils, we aim to strengthen the technical capabilities of these bodies and improve the delivery of services to the people of Assam."

The move has been widely appreciated by experts and stakeholders, who believe that the involvement of retired engineers will lead to significant improvements in the overall functioning of the Autonomous Councils. It is expected that their expertise will help in the planning and execution of various infrastructure projects, as well as the maintenance and repair of existing facilities.

Furthermore, the decision is seen as a positive step towards recognizing and utilizing the talent and skills of retired professionals, who often possess a deep understanding of local challenges and intricacies. By providing them with an opportunity to contribute to the development of their respective regions, the state government aims to tap into their vast reservoir of knowledge for the betterment of Assam.

The Assam Government's decision to empower the Autonomous Councils to recruit retired engineers for technical services aligns with its vision of inclusive development and effective governance. By leveraging the expertise of retired professionals and ensuring financial autonomy for the Councils, the state aims to enhance its technical capabilities and provide better services to its citizens.

As the process of recruitment begins, it will be interesting to witness the positive impact that retired engineers can have on the development landscape of Assam. With their guidance and experience, the state can take significant strides towards achieving its goals of progress and prosperity.