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Congress' Failure to Ban Bajrang Dal 70 Years Ago: A Missed Opportunity That Led to National Turmoil

Editor Editor
Monday, May 22, 2023
Congress' Failure to Ban Bajrang Dal 70 Years Ago: A Missed Opportunity That Led to National Turmoil
Mumbai: Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind President, Syed Arshad Madani, criticized the Bajrang Dal and referred to it as a communal organization during a recent address at the Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind convention in Mumbai.
 Madani pointed out that the Congress party had included the closure of the Bajrang Dal in its manifesto. 
He stated that if such a decision had been taken 70 years ago, it could have prevented the country from facing the turmoil it has experienced. Madani further noted that when the Congress made this statement, there was an uproar, with some criticizing the inclusion of the proposal in the party's manifesto. However, Madani clarified that he believes it was not a mistake, but rather an opportunity to rectify a long-standing issue. He also highlighted the presence of communal forces within the Congress party that have caused significant damage to the nation.